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The Mind Matrix

At the most basic level the mind is like that of a tape recorder . The mind application engages at around the age of 2 and develops into a full-fledged thought stream with an identity by the time we are young adults. We identify with the mind and claim it as ours, as what we are and from there, we may struggle with fear, anxiety, competition, and desire for more. Until the age of 2 the baby is pure awareness with no preferences, everything arising as equal. The parent begins the identification process starting with giving the baby a name and soon it identifies as separate from everything else. And as the baby grows the sophistication of programming expands through the school system, television and now media. We have been seduced and not realized that we have become hypnotized by the objective world.

 Mind applications are thoughts and concepts that narrate and describe the world we interact with. This narration becomes automatic after years of programming but what we don’t realize is the underlying principle of awareness that is essential to existence. The awareness that is, knows or is the knowing of experience, the mind is an add on in a way that allows the persona to interact with the objective reality. Programming is of a lower frequency which humans identify with as fear, greed, loneliness, worthlessness, lack, anxiety and so forth. The identification as being a person (persona) separates the individual from all that is. We have the ability to choose to agree with and participate in the narration or not. We can choose to upgrade our current experience by subscribing to higher frequencies and negating the barrage of negative dialogue. We can choose to see that every word or concept cannot describe the truth accurately and that it is a dualistic device which has no ability to be self-aware. We can realize it is simply a data stream of information on a repetitive cycle which appears to apply to an individual life.

 We have become so intimately connected to the thought streams that we believe this is who and what we are. But to notice the ever-changing content the thought stream provides and the ever-present stillness of being shows us that we are not the thought stream at all. It becomes self-evident as we begin to observe the content of the words and descriptions that present themselves continuously. Most of which contribute to our sense of isolation and identity. Our delusions of lack and hardship, our sense of worthiness for we are in constant comparison to what is outside of us that we have overlooked what is here now. What has been here all along. We are the backdrop of all experience, and it is our option to engage or not engage with the activity the mind presents us with. It’s much like playing the stock market, we can choose to invest in a stock or not invest.

At any time we can withdraw our subscription and remain effortless in our awareness. We are continuously being invited to participate in the mind matrix, but our true essence is pure effortlessness. The mind activates the time and space structure but when we retreat from it, we are timeless, formless and free.

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